Turkey Life Cycle Activities


Total Pages: 69

Explore all there is to know about turkeys with this huge pack of fun and engaging Turkey Life Cycle Activities and Worksheets. Perfect for literacy and math centers this Thanksgiving season, you are bound to find something to suit the interests of all types of learners. Both color and black and white formats are included, where possible, to suit your individual printing needs.


Choose from a wide range of Turkey Life Cycle Activities including a cut and paste activity sheet, three-part puzzles, count and clip cards and themed writing pages.

What’s included in this Turkey Life Cycle Activities Pack?

  • Alphabet Flashcards: Featuring an adult turkey on each uppercase letter card and a young turkey on each lowercase letter card. Once these cards have been printed out and laminated, they can be used for teaching the letters of the alphabet, alphabetical order, spelling simple words and matching the lower case letters to the uppercase ones.
  • Number Flashcards: Again, print these out and laminate before using them for learning to count from 1 to 10. They can also be used to match the number with the word number, and for learning simple addition or subtraction. They can be used in conjunction with the alphabet flashcards, by having your child spell out the numbers with the alphabet cards.
  • Turkey Life Cycle Activities: Including a printable poster of the life cycle of a turkey and cut and paste worksheets to order the stages of the life cycle.
  • Do-A-Dot pages: Simply find the letters and dot them out – great for practicing letter identification.
  • I Spy Counting Worksheet: How many of each picture can you find?
  • Simple Handwriting Practice: Great for helping children to learn to spell while practicing their letter formation and the different vocabulary of a turkey’s life cycle.
  • Number Puzzles: Print out and laminate for repetitive use. Learn to count by 1’s, 2’s, 3’s, 4’s and 5’s while making the puzzles.
  • 3 Part Puzzles: Print out and laminate and then have fun matching the pieces of each puzzle.
  • Cut and Paste Missing Numbers: Learn to count and practice scissor skills at the same time. Cut out the numbers and paste them in the correct places.
  • Size Sequencing Cards: Cut out and laminate for durability. Place the cards in order from smallest to largest or largest to smallest. They can also be used to place the stages of a turkey’s life cycle in sequence.
  • Themed Writing Pages: Featuring a picture prompt and dotted lines for students to write on.
  • Count and Clip Cards: Count the pictures and clip the answer with a paperclip or peg or place a pom pom on the answer.
  • Simple Addition and Subtraction: Color or clip the correct answer.
  • Vocabulary Cards: Included are 3 part cards as well as information cards that can be used to learn about the life cycle of a turkey.
  • Color and Trace Worksheets: Students trace the vocabulary word then color the themed picture.

This Turkey Life Cycle Activities Pack is perfect for the following learning settings:

⭐ As part of your morning work during November

⭐ During literacy and math centers while learning about Thanksgiving

⭐ With small groups of students to focus on a particular need, e.g. letter identification or counting to 10.

How to prepare this Turkey Life Cycle Activities Pack?

✂️ Simply print and laminate each component, if desired. 

✂️ Both color and black and white formats are included where possible to suit your individual printing needs.

Suggested materials:

✏️ Pencils / coloring materials

✏️ Scissors

✏️ Glue

✏️ Bingo markers

✏️ Pegs or paper clips


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