The Zoo Scavenger Hunt focuses on 14 animals: peacock, elephant, rhinoceros, lion, leopard, giraffe, gorilla, monkey, snake, bear, crocodile, tiger, hippo, leopard and zebra.
I have included a black and white copy of the zoo animals activities as well as a color copy.
There is also a zoo animals mat that is great for circle time. (This activity is only included in color.)
The activities in this pack are a great way to prep your students for an upcoming Zoo field trip.
You can find more detail on the zoo scavenger hunt and check out more of the zoo animals activities in the preview file.
What is included:
Zoo Scavenger Hunt – I have swapped off clip art of boys, girls to add variety to the top of the worksheet. There are sheets in color and sheets in black and white.
Zoo Animal Mats – Laminate and add velcro dots to this activity set that is perfect for circle time. You can talk about the animals characteristics and choose your favorite mat.
Worksheets – At the zoo I saw a …
Zoo Animal booklet – children can color the zoo animals and trace the animal name.
Sorting – Zoo animals vs farm animals
zoo animal clip cards
Blank story pages
Match the picture to the word
Uppercase and lowercase letter practice/tracing
All about the animal worksheets
Zoo animal puppets
zoo counting puzzles by 1’s, 2’s, 3’s, 4’s and 5’s.
build the word puzzles for lion and fish.
counting cards
Do a dot pages
Count the objects
Trace the words
2 piece puzzles
4 piece puzzles
Counting Clip Cards
Math clip cards
Tracing sheets
Zoo Maze
zoo animal coloring pages
Cutting Practice page
Fingerprint dot the animals.
Dot the letter Z
Dot the animals (3 animals)
Which one is different?
What comes next pattern page
3 part cards
Size Sequencing Cards
This set would be great for your animal theme classroom! I have included some fact cards and life cycle sequences.
There are a lot of real-life pictures and it is perfect for zoo day prep
The real-life animals included are: Elephant, Giraffe, Zebra, Lion, Rhino, Hippo and Tiger
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